street found objects, glued & resined onto small canvas' Most pieces are 6"x"6 , 5"x 7"
Contact me to purchase and art shows ... see me on instagram @SharonKizziahArt ... Just say piss-off to facebook ...
Outsider Art Girl

"Happy Bot" (2015) 5"x7" canvas, all found materials; fixed and finished in resin

"55 Swallowed 53" (2015) 6"x6" canvas, all found materials; fixed and finished in resin. Backstory: My building on Sanchez Street in San Francisco sold in 2012 and 55 swallowed [the upper unit] 53...gone forever more...

"Eyes C" (2015) Your very own set of Googley eyes... 6" x 6" canvas, all found materials; fixed and finished in resin.

"Flying Hot Pants" (2015) 5"x7" mixed media canvas, all found materials; fixed and finished in resin

"Bike Chain On Brown Paper Bag" (2015) 8"x10" canvas, bicycle chain, paper bag; all found materials; fixed and finished in resin. Wood frame.

"To the Moon & The Stars & Back Again" (2015) 6"x 6" canvas, all found materials; fix and finished in resin. Homage to Planet X Nibiru

"6 Or 9" (2016) 5"x7" canvas; all found materials; fixed and finished in resin. 6 or 9? Depends on how you hang it?

"Oaktown Note After Rain" (2015) 9"x4" paper, all found materials finished in resin

"Dah-ling"(2015) 6" x 6" canvas, all found materials; fixed and finished in resin